We understand it is a difficult time for everyone and we are taking the necessary precautions to keep our staff and clients safe every day as we get through this together. >>>The World Health Organization (at press time for this story) 3/14 reported that your pet cannot transmit COVID-19 to you and you cannot pass COVID-19 to your pet<<<
Here are a few COVID-19 Questions & Answers to how we will be managing our tasks so we can provide the best care for your pets:
Will we be closed?
Unless we have too - we will NOT be closing. Dr Roth's Mobile Vet Service will be open and available to see patients. We will also be implementing telemedicine for those clients that cannot be seen due to illness or quarantine.
Is COVID-19 going to effect our hours?
At this point, our hours will stay the same
What are our main goals?
1. Don’t get COVID-19.
2. Don’t give COVID-19.
What will be our new protocol changes?
1. If you or a family member are sick, even if it is just the sniffles, or if you are quarantined, please call to reschedule your appointment. So you may ask “What if my pet has an issue, what am I supposed to do?” Call us. We are looking into telemedicine (virtual) options for the right scenario and may be able to help virtually if we have a client-patient relationship already in place.
2. If one of our staff members are sick they will self-quarantine.
3. We will maintain a 6-foot distance between a client’s two-legged family members and ourselves. This is in the spirit of “social distancing” that is recommended by the CDC to curtail the spread of this virus. We realize this is awkward and we hate it, as we tend to be hugging-type people, especially in times of letting an animal go, but this is very important.
4. Dog appointments will take place either outside or in a garage if possible, temperament and weather permitting.
5. Cat appointments will likely need to take place inside because, well, cats. But it is important to have your cat isolated in an area that we can get to your cat(s) easily and quickly. No “cat wild goose chases” will occur.
6. We will ask that you throw away the trash we create during our appointment (except needles of course) to reduce the risk of contamination.
7. We may call you the morning of your appointment or at your appointment time to get a history and talk about your concerns, prior to our entry to your home.
8. We will only be bringing in what we need – no bags, equipment, etc. that isn’t necessary. So please let the technician/doctor know if you would like vaccines, nail trims, anal gland expression ahead of time.
9. Please have soap available if we need it. Usually, we will keep soap/water in addition to hand sanitizer in our vehicles.
Thank you! We are working hard to make sure we stay safe together! If you have any further questions please email us at [email protected] or call 815-526-0360.